Main trends in the automotive market
Release :
Behaviors and priorities of the French in terms of insurance, related services and rental formula
Marie-Caroline Tabouis
Project manager
Draw up an inventory of motorists’ behaviors and uses.
Determine vehicle maintenance and repair behaviors. Evaluate the current equipment in service contracts and the potential for development in the event of a future acquisition.
Understand the state of mind motorists are in with regard to car insurance by focusing on their fears and various problems encountered with their vehicle and determining what, according to them, are the most important criteria in choosing insurance. an insurance.
Identify the level of coverage desired by automobile policyholders according to their profile and test their interest in a set of guarantees and services.
Take stock of rental options. Measure the current use of individuals and assess the potential for development in the short and medium term, paying particular attention to the services desired through these offers and the legitimacy of banks and insurers.
Analyze the prospects for the evolution of mobility by taking stock of the current use and future use intentions of other modes of transport (NVEI, two wheels, etc.) and alternative modes of consumption (carpooling, rental between individuals, rental short duration…).
Objectives of the study
Companies analyzed
Study methodologies

Comprendre de quelle manière les réseaux de vente sont organisés, accompagnés et animés pour la vente d’assurances prévoyance individuelles.
Analyser la dynamique commerciale mise en place pour équiper les clients et/ou prospects : temps forts, événements, offres ponctuelles et permanentes.
Relever les différentes pratiques et démarches des conseillers pour commercialiser les offres : ciblage, opportunités commerciales, cycle d’équipement,….
Réaliser des focus par type d’assurances : GAV, temporaire décès, dépendance et obsèques.
Benchmark des pratiques de vente d’assurances prévoyance individuelles en agence

Enquête quantitative en ligne auprès de 1000 retraités ayant changé d’assureur santé au cours des 3 dernières années.
Analyse des élements déclencheurs et des parcours clients.
Enquête changement d'assureur santé des retraités 2023

Quantitative Internet survey
1,284 motorists aged 18 to 75
78 closed questions
Land carried out from May 8 to 15, 2020
Sample defined according to the quota method to be representative of the French population

Collection of information and processing of data
PROFIDEO subcontracted the field to a specialist in Internet surveys while remaining the project manager in terms of methodology, definition of the sample, creation of the questionnaire and analysis.
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Study plan

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