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Team portrait : Bertrand, devOps !

Dernière mise à jour : 18 mai 2024

Today, for the month of October, we're going to introduce you to Bertrand Rameau, one of the invaluable members of our IT team. 💻

Spotlight 😎

Bertrand, what do you do at Minalea ?

Short answer: A bit of this and a bit of that. Long anwser: I am part software developer, part software architect and part DevOps Engineer. I like to focus on improving existing code and existing infrastrucure.

Since when ?

I always been connected to Minalea as I know Guy, Stéphane, Sébastien and Peter since more than 2 decades. Every time I visited them Annecy, they tried to convince me to join Minalea. They finally succeeded end of 2020.

Where are you from? What's your background?

After graduating from University with a degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, I joined an Engineering school in Annecy (with Sébatien). I stopped school atfer 2 years to join the first pan european online insurance INEAS in 1999. A decade later, I joined Axa Group in 2010 where I was successively software developer, team leader, dev manager and the software architect. During the decade I spent at Axa, I lived in Poland managing the polish team for 6 years.

A passion ?

Not easy to pick only one. The more important one is definitively Comics books. That's a virus I got from my father and today my comic collection has more than 2500 books. Then I like photography but I did not do much of it lately. And last one is cooking. More precisely pastry. Pastry is like chemistry: you must follow the recipe and there are not a lot of room for improvisation (so more challenging) As I have diabetes, lately I am trying to find recipes that I can adapt to make them sugar "free" and still taste good. 📚📸 🍰

Nos solutions pour simplifier l'assurance et booster vos performances

Solutions orientées
Services marketing Conception des offres

Avec market intelligence, dotez vos équipes sièges d'outils puissants pour analyser et surveiller le marché de l'assurance.

Grâce à notre intelligence artificielle, nos solutions répondent aux besoins des chefs de produit pour positionner, concevoir et améliorer leurs offres.


Profitez d'une veille stratégique et d'analyses précises pour rester compétitifs et innover en toute confiance.

Solutions orientées

Avec my pitch, simplifiez chaque étape de la vente de vos produits d'assurance grâce à nos solutions innovantes.

Conçus pour les réseaux, nos outils d'intelligence artificielle accompagnent vos équipes du premier contact à la conclusion de la vente, rendant le processus fluide et efficace.


Offrez à vos clients une expérience de conseil personnalisée et optimisée, tout en boostant vos performances commerciales.

Solutions orientées 
Clients Finaux

Avec self care, offrez à vos clients des outils intuitifs pour mieux comprendre vos offres d'assurance en toute transparence.

Intégrez nos solutions directement sur vos sites destinés aux clients, pour permettre à vos utilisateurs de faire des simulations, de clarifier leurs choix et de prendre les meilleures décisions.


Simplifiez leur expérience en ligne avec des conseils personnalisés et accessibles, et renforcez la confiance de vos clients dans vos produits.

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